The ICAC believes that disseminating positive values to young people from their early childhood can help them display a character of unswerving perseverance and high commitment as well as an ability to resist corruption temptation when they grow up. As families are the bases where young people are nurtured and developed, efforts to sustain a clean and fair society should therefore start with every family. Strengthening parenting education and hammering home probity messages to families are therefore one of the important work areas of the ICAC in the promotion of youth moral education. These products include:

Video highlights and sharing from social workers:

I don't want to lie
(YouTube Video with English Subtitle)
Introduction: Both sister and brother got poor exam results which were far behind their mom's expectations. The sister saw her brother being severely scolded by their mom after he told her his results. She then decided to cover up her poor results by secretly hiding the exam papers ... ......
Calculating little ones
(YouTube Video with English Subtitle)
Introduction: Their mother is a money-oriented person who believes that money can be exchanged for everything. Her children get used to it and think that there is nothing wrong with evaluating everything by its monetary value. They even do what they learn from their mother and compile a "price list" to bargain with her ...

For viewing other "Let your children grow in integrity" parenting videos, please visit the Moral Education Web of the ICAC.

Recommended articles (in Chinese only):

(PDF file) in Chinese only
(PDF file) in Chinese only

For reading other articles in the ICAC Parenting Book for Moral Education, please visit the Moral Education Web of the ICAC.