Corruption occurs when an individual abuses his authority for personal gain at the expense of other people. Corruption erodes fairness and the rule of law, and in some cases, even puts lives and property at risk. The spirit of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) (POBO) enforced by the ICAC is to maintain a fair and just society.
POBO - public sector
Understanding the Ordinance︰ Prescribed officers (including government officers, please refer to the text of the law for the definition) are subject to sections 3, 4, 5, 10, etc of the POBO while employees of public bodies (e.g. power company, bus company, hospital, please refer to the text of the law for the definition) are subject to sections 4, 5, etc. More

Aspects of the Ordinance
Can a civil servant accept any gift in his official capacity from the public during festivals? Answer
POBO - private sector
Understanding the Ordinance︰According to section 9 of the POBO, no agent (usually an employee, please refer to the text of the law for the definition) shall solicit or accept any advantage without the permission of his principal (usually an employer, please refer to the text of the law for the definition) when conducting his principal's affairs or business. More

Aspects of the Ordinance
Can a procurement officer of a private sector company accept any commission from a supplier without the knowledge of his boss? Answer
Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554) (ECICO)
Understanding the Ordinance︰The ECICO applies to the public elections specified in the Ordinance. The Ordinance governs all corrupt and illegal conduct concerning a relevant election. More

Aspects of the Ordinance
Is it an offence if an elector casts a vote for a candidate because the candidate gives him a treat? Answer
The ICAC Ordinance (Cap. 204) (ICACO)
Understanding the Ordinance︰The ICACO vests the ICAC with law enforcement powers such as investigation, arrest, detention and granting of bail. More
Aspects of the Ordinance
Does ICAC need a warrant for searching and arresting a suspect? Answer