ICAC's Institutional Strength

Independence of ICAC

Checks and Balances

Holistic Anti-Corruption Strategy

Dedicated and Professional Staff

Organisation Structure


At present, the ICAC has about 1,400 staff, with most of them appointed on contract terms and more than half having served for over 10 years.

Three-pronged Approach

The ICAC from its inception has adopted a unique strategy combining law enforcement, corruption prevention and community education to fight and prevent corruption on these fronts through its dedicated functional departments.

International Cooperation

Corruption knows no boundary. International cooperation is hence of paramount importance in graft fighting. As an active player in international cooperation, the ICAC works closely with global anti-corruption counterparts, and exchanges experience and seeks collaboration in law enforcement, corruption prevention, education and capacity building.

Organisation Chart

The ICAC comprises the office of the Commissioner and four functional departments - Operations (Law enforcement), Corruption Prevention (Prevention), Community Relations (Education) and International Cooperation and Corporate Services (International cooperation and administrative support).


Organisation Chart: The ICAC comprises the office of the Commissioner and four functional departments - Operations (for law enforcement), Corruption Prevention, Community Relations (for anti-corruption education) and International Cooperation and Corporate Services (for international cooperation and administrative support).

The three-pronged approach, embodied in the Commission's three departments, has been vital in developing a new public consciousness. It has been recognised from the outset that prevention is as important as the deterrent of law enforcement, and the battle against corruption can only be won by changing people's attitude towards graft. The strategy has proved to be effective and remains the ICAC's guiding strategy, as well as an anti-corruption model referenced by the international community.

Among the four departments of the Commission, the Operations Department, Corruption Prevention Department and Community Relations Department are interdependent with each capitalising and building on the work of the other two departments to achieve the maximum effectiveness. The International Cooperation and Corporate Services Department leverages the strengths and experiences built up by the three departments to engage with counterparts in other jurisdictions to enhance collaboration at the international level, as well as providing administrative support at both the corporate and departmental levels.