香港廉政公署 ICAC - 廉政公署50周年-反貪.不停步 ICAC 50th Anniversary - Fighting Corruption: The Mission Continues



The ICAC will organise a variety of events, inviting individuals from various sectors to continue joining forces with the ICAC to uphold the integrity of
Hong Kong and promote international anti-corruption cooperation. We look forward to having you at these remarkable events.


Kick-off Run
Virtual Walk

Virtual Walk

ICAC 50th Anniversary Running Gala
Photo/Video Collection Campaign and Youth Video Competition

Photo/Video Collection Campaign and Youth Video Competition
ICAC 50th Anniversary Reception
ICAC 50th Anniversary Reception and Establishment of Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption

District Involvement Projects

ICAC Open Day

"ICAC Investigators 2024" TV Drama and Premiere