For Candidates and Election Helpers
Candidates and election helpers are welcome to contact the ICAC for arranging briefing sessions to get a better understanding of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (ECICO). Please call the Clean Election Enquiry Hotline at 2920 7878 or approach any of the ICAC Regional Offices for further details.
The ICAC has produced a "Clean Rural Elections" Information Booklet (PDF file) (the Booklet) to help candidates and election agents better understand the legislation and the spirit of the ECICO. The Booklet will be distributed to each and every candidate by the Home Affairs Department when the candidate submits the nomination.
The ICAC has produced a "Reminder to Candidates on Election Return" (PDF file) to remind candidates on what they should take note of when completing the election return.
Clean Election Enquiry Hotline: 2920 7878 (Monday - Friday : 9:00am - 7:00pm) (Except Public Holidays)
ICAC Report Corruption Hotline: 25 266 366 (24-hour)