Corruption Prevention Tips

Fostering a clean and efficient culture in a public body relies on the concerted efforts of all employees and members to assist in the implementation of anti-corruption measures and their clear understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities in corruption prevention.

The role of public servants in corruption prevention

Enhance awareness of the law and strictly abide by it
Enhance awareness of the law and strictly abide by it
Strengthen alertness against corruption and decline any offer of suspicious advantages and entertainment
Strengthen alertness against corruption and decline any offer of suspicious advantages and entertainment
Be familiarised with the organisation’s code of conduct and reporting channels, and strengthen communication with the organisation
Be familiarised with the organisation’s code of conduct and reporting channels, and strengthen communication with the organisation
Stay vigilant to and properly deal with conflicts of interest that may arise
Stay vigilant to and properly deal with conflicts of interest that may arise
Exercise prudent financial management and stay away from high-risk investment activities which could lead to financial difficulties and indebtedness
Exercise prudent financial management and stay away from high-risk investment activities which could lead to financial difficulties and indebtedness
Report any suspected corruption to the organisation or the ICAC as soon as possible.
Report any suspected corruption to the organisation or the ICAC as soon as possible.